How Long Does Sciatica Last?

 Acute sciatica may eventually turn into chronic sciatica. It means the pain exists pretty regularly. Whereas, Chiropractic treatment  is a popular natural treatment for sciatica. It can relieve pain without medication and is generally considered a safe treatment option. Chronic sciatica is a lifelong condition. It doesn't currently respond well to treatment, but the pain from chronic sciatica is often less severe than the acute form. For many people, sciatica responds well to self-care. Rest for a few days after a flare-up begins, but don’t wait too long before resuming activity. Long periods of inactivity will make your symptoms worse. 

How long does sciatica pain last? 

For most patients, acute sciatica pain resolves within 1-2 weeks. In some cases, behavioural modification or at-home remedies may be adequate for relieving sciatica pain. However, certain patients may develop chronic sciatica pain, which may wax and wane but remains present over many years. Even acute sciatica can recur multiple times and may progress to a chronic condition. If painful sciatica symptoms are making your everyday life miserable, it may time to seek help. Call the caring team at Baker chiropractic to schedule your  chiropractic treatment.

Most sciatic pain lasts 406 weeks. Acute pain can feels like a stabbing, shooting, or burning sensation, which may subside into a dull ache. Sciatica becomes chronic if it lasts longer than six weeks and does not improve. Doctors usually recommend waiting for the issue to resolve without medical treatment unless the pain excruciates or lasts for more than 12 months. 

How to manage pain?

To relieve sciatic pain, try to avoid sitting or lying down for long periods. Take short walks and stay active. If a person has to sit down for work, they should make sure they have a decent chair and good posture. People should also try to avoid driving long distances. If the pain is sever, lying down with a heat or ice pack for a few minutes may help. Over the prescription relief medication can also temporarily ease discomfort. 


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