Arthritis Pain Treatment: How Chiropractic Treatment Can Treat Knee Pain From Arthritis

Arthritic knee pain can range from moderately bothersome to persistent difficulty walking or moving your knee. Thankfully, chiropractic treatment is available that can help treat the knee arthritis issue.

What is knee arthritis?

It is the inflammation and degradation of cartilage in the knee joint that causes knee arthritis. Cartilage is the slick covering on the ends of bones that acts as a cushion and helps the knee to bend and straighten effortlessly. The end of the thighbone (femur), the top of the shinbone (tibia), and the rear of the kneecap are all covered in knee cartilage (patella). The gap between the bones narrows as cartilage goes away. Bone scrapes against bone in advanced arthritis, and bone spurs (bumps on the bone) may occur.

Over time, damage to the joint cartilage may result in the development or exacerbation of knee deformities such as knock knees and bowleg.

There are three forms of knee arthritis:

  • Osteoarthritis is the most frequent kind of knee arthritis. This kind of arthritis causes the cartilage in your knee to wear away until it is gone and walking is unpleasant.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory illness that can affect people of all ages. It is diagnosed using a combination of blood tests and an examination of the inflammation in your joints.

  • Following an accident, post-traumatic arthritis develops.

Symptoms of knee pain from arthritis

Arthritic knee pain is difficult to overlook. The following are some of the most prevalent symptoms of knee arthritis:

  • Inflammation and arthritis might cause difficulty putting full pressure on your foot as you step down.

  • Arthritis may be present if you get a sharp stabbing pain in your knee when you turn it.

  • If you hear or feel a grinding noise while walking, you should have the problem checked out.

The degree of discomfort you experience in your knee might fluctuate based on the amount of inflammation, the amount of use, and the amount of cartilage left in the knee.

How chiropractic treatment can help?

Chiropractic therapy can help lessen knee inflammation and increase range of motion. As a result, knee discomfort is minimized. Unfortunately, your body does not automatically replace the worn cartilage. If you suffer discomfort when walking, you may find relief by visiting a chiropractor. You will learn strengthening exercises and receive therapy to help you improve your gait.

  • The spine may be the major cause of the illness due to its various involvement in the central nervous system. Chiropractic treatment is based on the repair of spinal misalignments.

  • Chiropractors can also give hip and knee manipulation. This is required for moving the joints, reducing inflammation, and assessing the range of motion.

  • A chiropractor may alter a patient's posture to better evenly distribute body weight, relieving tension on an injured knee.

  • Physical therapy may assist you in recovering from an injury and losing weight. A chiropractor may offer particular activities as well as dietary advice to aid in long-term rehabilitation.

  • Complementary therapies like trigger point therapy or myofascial release can assist to reduce tension while also improving nutrient flow to soft tissue.

Chiropractic treatment reduces knee pain with traction

Your chiropractor will examine the entire function of your knee to see how well it moves. Knee on Trac is one way for relieving strain on your knee and promoting tissue repair. Knee replacement surgery is only indicated after you have exhausted all other conservative therapy options for arthritis-related knee discomfort. Traction may need many sessions for total relief. You may feel better after the initial session, and further arthritis pain treatment will help keep the discomfort under control.

Get the best arthritis pain treatment in Ohio

When you stretch your leg muscles and follow up with strengthening exercises, you will assist support your knee joint as much as possible. Although arthritis remains, you may feel less discomfort if you focus on muscle strengthening and good gait mechanics.

Do you want to get the best assistance from chiropractors in Ohio? We at Baker Chiropractic Wellness have got you covered. Contact us to learn more about chiropractic treatment and how it might improve your arthritis-related knee discomfort.

We are here to assist you with full-body chiropractic care. Schedule an appointment now!


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